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 : Mr. Schiff?


 : I apologize for interrupting, but I just want to clarify, happy to discuss that issue, but I just want to clarify in reference to the earlier comments that Mr. Levy made that when I was asking about documents, I was asking about our document request to Fusion and to Mr. Simpson separate and apart from any document request for banking records or anything else.

MR. SCHIFF: Yeah. You know, as I was saying, we are not that privy to what the litigation is over, what documents, what the scope of that is. And I don't know how, therefore, that bleeds over into the document request here. If there are documents within the scope of what we have been asking about that you are able to provide, we would encourage you to do it.

But again, because I don't understand the litigation, I can't speak to how that may influence what the court may decide your obligation, your privileges are vis-à-vis other documents. So I can't speak to that.

So a few final questions. I want to make sure I understand this correctly. Your firm is retained by Prevezon for assistance in the litigation. Is that right? I am sorry, by Baker Hostetler. Is that right?

MR. SIMPSON: Correct.

MR. SCHIFF: Baker Hostetler represents Prevezon

MR. SIMPSON : Correct.

MR. SCHIFF: Veselnitskaya is a Russian attorney for Prevezon.

MR. SIMPSON : Correct.

MR. SCHIFF: It sounds like former Attorney General Mukasey also was an attorney on behalf of Prevezon.