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  My time is up. Thank you.

Over to you guys.

  Off the record. We're going to take a 5-minute break.


  We can go back on the record.

My name is   I'm with the minority staff. I suspect my colleague   may also have questions. He's the   for the minority.


Q I wanted to clarify first, if you recall, how many reports did you produce for the Washington Free Beacon? I believe you did it on generally a monthly basis. So --

A I think what -- I think what I said was that our practice when we begin an engagement is to do reports on a monthly basis, ·and that, you know, it would have been regular order in this case.

I don't recall specifically how many, and I can't really -- I mean, it would be -- it would be -- right, it is covered by client confidentiality, but I also think it would be guessing.

Q Okay.

A In general, what happens as an engagement unfolds is that after 2 or 3 months of producing monthly reports, again, we branch out into subject areas and we start producing white papers. And so if an engagement lasts for 6 months, you can assume that there's a lot of subpapers on individual subjects.

Q So you were employed by the Free Beacon for 8 or 9 months, I