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PARKINSON (John) Theatrum Botanicum: the Theater of Plants, or an HERBALL of a large extent, 1,755 pp., with fine engravings of plants on nearly every page, indexes and engraved title-page, folio, old calf, 1640, scarce, £5 5s.
SACHS (Julius) Text-Book of Botany, Morphological and Physiological, edited, with an Appendix, by S. H. Vines, F.L.S., numerous engravings, 2nd edition, royal 8vo, half morocco, Oxford, 1882, £1 6s. 6d.
SEBOTH (Joseph) Alpine Plants: the Text by F. Graf; with an Introduction on the Cultivation of Alpine Plants, by J. Petrasch; edited by A. W. Bennett, F.L.S. Complete set, 400 coloured plates, 4 vols., small 4to, half morocco, 1884 (pub. £5), £4.
SELBY (P. J., F.L.S.) History of British Forest-Trees, Indigenous and Introduced, 200 fine engravings, 8vo, cloth, scarce, 1842, £2.


ALDER (Joshua) and ALBANY HANCOCK, Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, with 82 plates, most of them coloured, complete in 7 parts, folio, boards, Ray Society, 1845-55 (pub. £9 12s.), £4 4s.
ALLMAN (G. J.) Monograph of the Fresh Water Polyzoa, including all the known Species, both British and Foreign, with 10 coloured plates, folio, boards, Ray Society, 1856, £3 3s.
CARPENTER (W. B.), assisted by W. K. PARKER and T. RUPERT JONES, Introduction to the Study of FORAMINIFERA, with 19 fine plates, folio, boards, Ray Society, 1862, £3.