Page:House of Atreus 2nd ed (1889).djvu/205

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Scorn of the younger and the elder gods
Art thou: 'tis I that shall prevail anon.


Thus didst thou too of old in Pheres' halls,
O'erreaching Fate to make a mortal deathless.


Was it not well, my worshipper to aid,
Then most of all when hardest was the need?


I say thou didst annul the lots of life,
Cheating with wine the deities of eld.


I say thou shalt anon, thy pleadings foiled,
Spit venom vainly on thine enemies.


Since this young god o'errides mine ancient right
I tarry but to claim your law, not knowing
If wrath of mine shall blast your state or spare.


Mine is the right to add the final vote,
And I award it to Orestes' cause.
For me no mother bore within her womb,
And, save for wedlock evermore eschewed,
I vouch myself the champion of the man,
Not of the woman, yea, with all my soul,—
In heart, as birth, a father's child alone.
Thus will I not too heinously regard
A woman's death who did her husband slay,