Page:How Henry Ford is regarded in Brazil (1926).djvu/9

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of profits to all the partners in the undertaking. These partners are three in number: the consumer, who receives his share of profit in the form of products tending always to be better and cheaper; the workman, who receives his part in the form of wages on a steadily increasing scale; the owner, who receives a fair dividend on his capital.

This conception, realized in Ford’s business with the most surprising results, breaks with tradition and exposes the deadly disease at the root of modern industry: an alliance of three in which one associate, the owner, receives not only his rightful profit but also the part that belongs to the workman and the consumer.

On the Henry Ford basis industry ceases to be the devouring Moloch of millions of creatures for the benefit of a group of nabobs and is transformed into an inexhaustible cornucopia of good things. The sinister antagonism between capital and labor which threatens to subvert the world is extinguished, production is adjusted to demand and, following on proper distribution, the hideous cancer of human misery disappears.

It is possible that the “social question” may not be solved just yet with Henry Ford’s ideas: Man is stupid and blind. It is possible that Communism, a solution in theory only, may yet extend to the rest of the world the experiment it has initiated in Russia. This will but serve to retard the only cor-