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temperament, or those who are in delicate health, should never take exciting kinds of exercise after eight o'clock in the evening. Complaints have come from this class of persons stating that, after spending a very pleasant evening in the gymnasium, they could not sleep for at least a couple of hours after going to bed. If they will follow this hint and drink a glass of warm milk and water, and eat a slice of cold bread and butter (the bread should be Graham, and at least two hours old), they will go to the land of Nod as soon as their head strikes the pillow.

Thin delicate persons will increase in weight and strength by taking light exercise daily, short of fatigue, and a two-minute tepid sponge-bath, followed by a ten-minutes rub-down with a coarse towel.

Every one needs regular daily physical, out-of-door exercise. If they neglect it, they will shorten their lives by many years. Persons who live three or four miles out of town, and who sit down in-doors most of the time during the day, should walk to their business every morning, or if able buy a bike and ride both ways. Try and spend two hours of every day out-of-doors, taking some moderate exercise; and it will add years to your life.

He who has good health is young, whatever his age may be.

Fat measures the disproportion between our diet and exercise.

The upper part of the left lung is the first part that consumption attacks.

We cannot build up the body if we drain its powers by excesses of any kind. Exercise is one of the best means to enable a young man to lead a chaste life, for it uses up some of his surplus vitality.

If one will moderately exercise, he will do better mental work in shorter time. Mental health depends upon physical health; and physical health depends upon the liver, and the state of the liver depends upon bodily exercise.

It will not take long to see that in his pet field—Hygenic body-building—Mr. Roberts has scarcely a peer. Formerly a heavy-weight-handler; and fond of heavy gymnastics; from long observation and experience, he has become satisfied that light work, most of it without any apparatus, is the true field for safe and rational body-building. No other man in America, alone with