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The Two Knights' Defense.—

1. P—K4 P—K4
2. Kt.—KB3 Kt.—QB3
3. KB—QB4 Kt.—KB3

The Knight's Game or Ruy Lopez.—

1. P—K4 P—K4
2. Kt.—KB3 Kt.—QB3
3. KB—QKt.5

The Queen's Pawns' Game, or Scotch Gambit.—

1. P—K4 P—K4
2. Kt.—KB3 Kt.—QB3
3. P—Q4

The Queen's Bishop's Pawn's Game in the Knight's Opening.—

1. P—K4 P—K4
2. Kt.—KB3 Kt.—QB3
3. P—QB3

The King's Bishop's Opening.

The second opening, the King's Bishop's Opening, has seven recognized variations, all of which are important for the student to know and he will also find them of particular interest. In the days of Philidor and his contemporaries, this was considered the safest opening, as it demands no initiatory sacrifice from the first player and permits the Pawns to advance un-