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If the student will go over these moves again, he will see that White, in his second turn, could have given check by playing R—QBsq., but that would have forced the King to play to Q5, which would have enabled him to get into the center of the board, which is just where White did not want him ; hence the move R—Qsq. was an excellent play. The student also sees that Black's ninth and tenth moves were forced moves, as White had left him no choice. While illustrating the use of the Hook in the End Game, this example also shows the student that it is sometimes better to let what appears to be a good move go by, for if White had taken advantage of his opportunity to give check it would have taken him a long time to force his adversary to the side of the board again. When the player has a choice of moves he should always consider the consequences and deliberate carefully before he plays.