Page:How to See the Vatican, Sladen, 1914.djvu/29

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Publishers' Note v
Preface vii
A List of the Popes, with their Dates, Places of Birth, and Family xix
About the Vatican In General.
I. Introduction 1
II. What the Vatican consists of. Being a specific classification and explanation, with a numbered plan, for the first time given in English, of all the vast building—the largest in the world—known as the Vatican, which comprises the Palace of the Popes, six chapels, a dozen courts, many museums, sculpture galleries, and loggie; the Borgia Apartments; Guard-rooms, factories, libraries, gardens, etc. etc.; the famous Vatican Picture Gallery, tapestries, crypts, etc. etc. 14
Parts of the Vatican not generally shown to the public.
III. The Story of the Vatican Hill in ancient Roman times, when it was the farm from which Cincinnatus was called to be Dictator, and contained the Garden of Agrippina, the mother of Nero ; and the Circus where St. Peter and other Christians suffered martyrdom 45
IV. The Story of the Building of the Vatican at various epochs 56
V. A Description of Old St. Peter's, the great basilica founded by Constantine the Great, which existed for a thousand years before it was destroyed to make room for the present St. Peter's. Never before fully described in any English book 86
VI. On the Remains of Old St. Peter's still preserved in Rome 117