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studying this class of pictures. Happily all this material is available in many forms of prints illustrating the complete life from the promise of the angel to the ascension from Mount Olivet.

List or Story Pictures

Stories of child life.

Murillo. Beggar Boys. Munich. (Two ragged urchins seated by ruined wall, eating grapes and melons.)
Beggar Boys. Munich. (Two boys seated on a stone, eating, with dog.)
Fruit-Venders. (Boy and girl with fruit baskets seated on ground counting earnings.)
Dice-players. Munich. (Two urchins playing dice on flat stone. Child and dog watching.)
Chardin. Grace before Meat. Louvre. (Two little girls at table, Mother standing over them directing them to give thanks.)
Jan Steen. Feast of St. Nicholas. Amsterdam, (Dutch interior with family group on Christmas Eve, the children discovering the gifts in their shoes. Boy crying to find switch instead of gift. Very merry scene.)
The Cat’s Dancing-Lesson. Amsterdam, (Dutch interior. Merry group about a table on which a boy holds the cat upright on hind legs. A girl plays accompaniment on flute and dog barks. Homely, simple amusement.)
Christening Feast. (Dutch interior, with many figures. Baby in cradle at left; little boy and girl dancing at right.)
Millet. Feeding her Birds. (Doorway of cottage with three children seated on sill, fed by mother from bowl.)
The First Step. (Dooryard. Mother steadying baby who tries to toddle toward father kneeling at a distance with outstretched arms.)
Knitting-Lesson. (Old woman teaching tiny girl how to manage knitting-needles.)
Millais. For the Squire. (Little girl in quaint quilted sun-bonnet carrying letter.)