Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1054

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1016 CHAIN CHAPELS sparkles o'er his c 780 19 sport an hour with Beauty's c. . 195 14 striking the electric c 218 16 that's fixed to throne of Jove. . 148 3 though the c. be galling 161 7 tongue broken its c 808 19 wear his Christ-like c 115 11 with huge fires 623 22 Chained-fast to the spot 698 19 • Chainlcss -spirit of c. mind 438 4 Chains-adamantine c. shall Deall i305 19 are worse than bayonets 589 3 bound by gold c 393 9 death nor c. alarm 295 8 fellow-countrymen in c 716 18 free though born in c 296 3 in c. of darkness bound 883 4 linkt with adamantine c 481 4 men by c. confined 874 12 O worse than c 72 15 or stagnant in c 651 1 Rome is in c 721 10 silken c. about the heart 485 4 untwisting all the c 538 3 Chair-climb the stately c 374 2 feet at the top_ of ac....! 407 9 grandsire's c. is empty 340 7 has one vacant c 171 7 in Presidential c 817 20 jumping from the c 417 16 of the editorial c 408 25 our c. a broad pumpkin 649 18 sat in the Cardinal s c 403 1 Chair-arm-an elbow supporting. .407 9 Chairs-among c. of ladies 287 1 Chaleur-et de la froideur 581 4 Chalice-our poisoned c 414 24 within the Doison c 63 23 Chaliced-I like the c. lilies 457 13 ChalicesHfceir c. of gold 88 4 to humming birds 823 7 Chalk-marked with c 162 8 than is c. to coles 126 20 they jtake c. for cheese 674 21 with the whitest of c 162 20 without its white c 162 6 Chalked-and c. her face 269 28 Challenge-and I c. law 433 26 every new author 151 4 make my c 222 11 matter I c. thee for 92 12 nature doth with merit c 478 10 to his end 167 2 urged more modestly 92 10 Challenged-ere I'd have c. him. . 92 13 fiddlers at their trade 566 2 Cham-great C. of literature 461 25 Chamber-deafe of noise 720 24 golden C. of the king's 164 8 in a darkened c 465 1 Inalady'sc 158 5 just above my c. door 656 11 perfume for a lady's c 594 4 that perfumed,the c 261 12 to a lady's c 401 6 where the good man meets 181 1 Chamber-door-at c. beat drum. . . 720 8 Chamberry-to church from C 689 1 Chambers-dust in vacant C 267 6 in and out of goodly c 475 5 in c. deep where waters. ...'... 568 14 in house of dreams 204 10 in palace c. far apart 721 2 many c. full of welcomes 395 7 ne'er to these c 235 5 of the great are jails 365 20 perfura'd c. of the great 720 3 purple with Alpine glow 673 16 two o. hath the heart 358 20 whisper softness in c 537 24 Chamois-from Alpine snow 526 2 Champao-C.'s leaves of gold 92 14 Champagne-nature's a glass of c. 101 17 Champain-hcad of wilderness 578 22 Champion-cased in adamant 739 22 rear his mighty c 784 9 waiting in his place 859 14 Champions-are the prophets 368 20 of the rights of mankind 188 18 Champs-la clef des C 647 15 Champs Elysees-down the C. E..729 18 Chance-a fancy air by o 538 14 all o. direction 675 10 an hour before this o 453 6 as c. will have it 260 18 by curious c 59 2 care o' the main c 92 9 exposure to each c 184 15 fights ever on the side 645 16 , for attaining at last 50 9 for every change and c 800 20 for happiness in life 763 8 from art not c 50 14 future possibility or c 645 22 God, give us another c 165 15 hasfixedthylot 152 6 has thrown his way. .*. 195 12 if the c. were theire 825 13 is a nickname 644 M let time and c. combine 466 22 makes our parents 297 13 main c. of things 637 10 may do a good by c 437 15 moved bye 120 20 necessity and c. approach 263 24 no c. may shake it 881 6 no man wise bye 881 2 now and then be right bye 283 15 of circumstance 120 23 of war is equal 847 19 or bad company 779 10 our fate is ruled bye :...305 3 run my c. with Jim 100 3 seeming pettiest c 11915 set my life on any c 453 7 skirts of happy c 120 25 trustme I youhaven*tac 760 3 whatever c. shall bring 144 1 yield to fickle c 97 20 see also Chance pp. 92, 93 Chanced-when I c. on you 491 22 Chancel-morning for priest 814 1 Chancellor-a c. juster still 103 8 aFootaC.'sFoot 286 7 expiring C. death 165 25 if all made by the Lord C 497 19 in embryo 780 6 intheC.'sConscience 286 7 Chancery-up to heaven's c 774 1 1 Chances-against ill c. men are. ... 93 1 are I go where most men go. . . .445 18 are not in our power 454 7 have just begun 907 21 mostdisastr us c 810 15 new c. of coming destiny 191 24 sown by the fountain 92 22 world is full of c 911 22 Chandelle-ma c. est morte 527 1 ne vaut pas la c 919 12 Change-affected by c. of tone .698 16 all lunar things that c 526 3 and so wee 694 21 and such a c! 791 3 appetites as apt to c 488 28 beyond our power toe 438 20 but the name 755 10 came o'er the spirit 202 5 can fix or c. his fate 425 13 catch ere she c 123 6 Death, OC.,0 Time 582 14 doth c. his nature 540 1 employ to cor disguise 598 23 every c. both mine and yours.. .644 2 every c. of place 831 5 expiring name renews 830 26 fare as men who c 179 1 fashions c. like leaves 154 12 fire toe. the flint 309 10 fit for every c. and chance 800 20 fly bye. of place 363 12 from rock to roses 778 6 his neighbor 135 11 no c, no pause 190 is no c. of circumstances can 99 14 of fierce extremes 246 7 of place 166 12 of things and thoughts 736 1 poor c. nothing but 334 1 populace c. with the 647 12 prosperity cane, man's 637 25 providence by happy o 644 10 sudden c. of fortune 291 14 studious of o 830 23 take place bye 241 16 takes its proper.c. out 148 10 the laws of empire 392 6 them to the contrary , .... 96 7 these as they o /. 320 8 thingswhich are 241 16 time and c. can do no more 342 16 to c. her every year 889 11 toe. the mind 132 18 when every c. shall cease 238 5 whetted bye. of food 515 16 which c. from line to line 528 9 whisper fearful c S56 24 with the c. in yourself 79 2 you began toe 300 17 see also Change pp. 93-97 Changeable-a woman is c 897 4 doublet of c. taffeta 516 6 Ieastofallbec ....75818 oftenerc. principles than shirt.. 3319 thro' all, yet in all the 546 19 to a lapwing by th' avenging . . .427 1 very nature c. displays .516 24 Changed-grief hath c. me 343 6 we have c. all that 95 11 what we c. was innocence 396 2 whole face of earth been c 393 1 Changeless-God proclaim 43 17 keep stable c. state 93 12 march the stars 132 19 watch the p. heaven 132 19 work succeeds 132 19 Changelings-we call c 109 23 Changes-all your swells 537 9 downward through c 800 1 hint of that which c. not 566 15 monthly c. in her circled orb. . .390 20 must we pass 237 15 Nature's thousand c 43 17 of studies a dull brain 757 14 ply all your c 67 16 sky c. when they are wives 499 4 the great movement c 448 5 to their c. half their charms . . .893 2 with the next block 355 18 see also Change pp. 93-97 Changeth-own hurt and c. not. ..563 19 Changing-all but God c. day by . .317 14 face is constantly c. 79 2 for c. his mind 94 2 like a joyous eye 527 17 not constant but c. still 390 19 the spirit of tames 788 17 vices are ever c 78 G with heart never c 498 12 Channel-silver strip of sea 567 26 weep your tears into thee 791 16 Channels-deeper as it rins 475 4 of a future tear 721 19 to stony c. in the sun 302 16 Chansonnette-wood-birds sang c. . 924 2 1 Chansons-tempereepardesc 293 20 tout finit par des c 732 1 Chant-labor is a c 63 25 monc. jailletsinet 697 12 thy praise, hypocrisy 383 7 we trust in thee 470 21 will meet the thunders 597 19 yelittlebirds 200 5 Chantais-comme l'oiseau 607 7 Chante-onlec 71217 qui bien c. et danse 761 15 Chantent-ils c, ils payeront 713 6 Chanticleer-keeps very still 689 5 proclaims the dawn 529 17 strain of strutting c 124 5 Chanting-her own dirge 772 22 with a solemn voice 558 4 Chantry-intothecby 500 3 Chants-forth his evening hymn.. 71 1 silentorgan loudest o 536 18 the silvery nightingale 6918 Chaos-beauty dead, blackc.comesl78 6 disinherit C 526 13 far into C 363 15 is come again 479 1 not o. like together crushed 574 10 of thought and passion 491 9 out of C. sprang the state 860 12 reign of C. and old Night 740 8 there were yet a c 544 12 to build in c 147 13 see also Chaos p. 97 where eldest Night and C 555 21 Chapeaux-sont bien laids 222 24 Chapel-devil builds a c 118 7 down to the c. and pray. 34 6 in their heart 896 9 Chapels-looks are nice in c 786 13