Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1177

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twelve men of i 854 10 when i. scourge 666 3 women show a front of i 889 5 you draw not i 271 20 Iron-bound-the i. bucket 863 13 Ironies-life's little i 445 22 Irons-bruising i. of wrath 857 2 two i. in the fire 645 4 Irrational-of i. bipods 81 2 Irre-wenn ich i. kann es 485 26 Irreameabilis-unda 170 23 Irrecoverably-dark! total eclipse. 72 16 Irregularly-great 42 16 Irreligious-man to view an i. one.662 6 Irren-Menschen die nicht i 236 22 wage du zu i Ill 26 Irrepressible-an i. conflict 855 16 Irrosolute-be not too long i 748 7 Irreverent-to ponder how 114 16 Irrevocable-past, wholly wasted..344 10 Irritabile-genus i. vatum 606 23 Irritabis-crabones 136 20 Irritable-tribe of poets 606 23 Irritaa -nunquam autem i. ease 651 6 Irriter-lei freslons 136 22 Irrt-es i. der Mensch 236 23 la-it is but it hadn't ought 903 26 nothing is but what 826 17 seems Madam! Nay it is 533 12 such as he is there are few 389 7 that that is, is 265 1 whatever is, is not. ." 330 8 whatever is is right 675 10 what he was, what is 507 IS Isaac Greentree-lies 231 10 Isaak-or the Odyssey 804 11 Isabel-thro'all placid life 871 4 Isar-flow of I. rolling rapidly 401 10 Isis-^where sacred I. glides 89 11 Islam-foreheads of I .bowed as one.577 16 Island-every Englishman an i.. .22-1 14 floating bulwark of the i 550 4 God blessed the green i 400 16 honor is like an i 372 26 on the misty i 141 14 our rough i. story 208 13 see also Islands p. 401 Islands-fertile golden i 123 13 know not where His i. lift 321 2 many flowering i. lie 401 17 on a dark blue sea 123 12 paradise i. of glory 377 21 round many western i 607 6 that wandered far 123 23 what loved little i 863 16 Isle-blow soft o'er Ceylon'b i 918 13 emerald I. of the ocean 4C1 7 guards his osier i 773 17 in a lone i., among friends 724 3 in this spacious i 755 3 men of the Emerald 1 400 19 never was i. so little 224 10 on a lone barren i 169 6 on fair Britannia's i 676 4 rose o'er his own native i 400 16 shining i 807 3 that grows in our i 400 16 the silver coasted i 587 11 this sccpter'd i 225 3 where the nations 220 19 see also Islands p. 401 Isles-blue i. of heaven 219 9 Indian sea by i. of Balm 577 16 of death 179 19 of the China Sea 728 10 sailed for sunny i 703 11 the i. of Greece 342 4 throned on her hundred i. 831 6 touch the Happy 1 389 22 see also Islands p. 401 Islets-nuclei of i. of reeds 687 11 Isocrates-adviseth Demonicus... 918 8 Isolated-or dangerottsly i 224 12 stands splendidly i 223 17 Isolation-our Bplendid i 224 4 this i. of England 224 12 Ispnhan-to the city 1 210 9 Israel-a mother in 1 531 8 O Rock of 1 315 18 's beauty on the mountains 729 6 submissive I. heard and saw.. .779 14 sweet psalmist of 1 693 20 Issue-face lives in his i 701 12 in their i. to be feared 8 18' legacy unto their i 337 8 whatever be the i 828 8 Issues-Heaven lias joined great i.106 12 lie on the lap of gods 322 11 man's search to vaster i 392 3 touched but to fine i 746 6 Isthmus-narrow i. 'twixt two... .447 11 placed on this I. of a 450 3 stand on this i. of life 454 22 vain weak-built i 237 19 It-why doth It so and so 262 21 Italia-thou who hast 402 3 Italian-nice extreme true I. knows.564 13 or perhaps 1 224 2 seems wise and is 880 27 Italians-are plunderers 402 4 Italy-lieth thine 1 254 16 masque of 1 831 8 paradise for horses 223 4 see also Italy p. 402 Itch-divinity had catch'd the i... 1 10 for scribbling 49 18 honour but an i 373 16 of disputation 119 3, 235 9 to know their fortunes 153 19 Itchos-my right eye i 770 20 Itching-condemn'd to have i.palm.78617 Iter-ad mortem i. est 452 3 magnum i. adscendo 314 8 per i. tenebricosum 166 2 sceleribus certum est i 241 3 Iterance-toll the silver i 465 9 It inerary-carries his eyes and i... 809 7 Itself-ate into i. for lack 588 3 by i., of i., and for i 461 12 cannot take care of i 569 12 created solely for i 548 11 written down by any but i 667 11 Itur-sic i. ad astra 390 1 Iule-ceratis ope Dasdalea 387 21 Iulium-inter omnes I. sidus 74© 26 Ivies-tbro' the moss i. creep 281 19 Ivoriea-His fingers on the i. 530 18 Ivory-apes and i 538 16 ebony as if done in i 663 6 hands on the i. keys 540 23 of polished i. this 717 17 plank of the i. floor 540 16 Ivory-beaked-shallop of crystal i.324 16 Ivrongnes-plus de vicux i 206 17 Ivy-bank with i. canopied 372 16 beneath the i. shade 558 20 branch for me 16 2 branch over the wine 877 2 darkly-wreathed 281 17 hang no i. out 894 17 here s eglantine, here's i 278 6 needcth no i. bush 876 6 the i. mesh 279 18 with sombre i. twine 562 7 see also Ivy p. 402 [ocr errors] Jactantius-uulli j. mcerent. 344 2 Jactare-nec j. jugum vita 351 14 Jactaris-tota j. in urba 329 16 Jade-arrant j. on a journey 596 17 Jads-I like the j. for a' that 887 8 Jafeth-the gcntilman J 310 10 Janrhundert-fordr* ich mein J.. .477 3 Jail-is being in a j 703 13 nothing left but a j 243 21 or the world's thy j 888 16 world miscalls a j 634 10 Jails-chambers of great are j 365 20 owners now to j. confin'd 307 2 Jam-satis est 690 20 James G. Blaine -marched 612 4 Jamie-'s after robins 764 6 Jane-borrow'd maxims 673 20 Jangled-like sweet bells j 68 9 Janua-frons est animi j 513 12 patet atri J. Ditis 364 1 January-blasts of J. would blow .403 4 grey is here 695 1 not till a hot J 397 9 snowhid in J 101 16 Janus-am 1 323 2 was invoked 403 3 Japanese-we, like the J., can.... 842 9 Jar-hurt with j. and fret 482 19 paining j. through 192 2 strange quick j 207 9 united j. yet loth to part 500 23 when such things j 539 17 Jargon-brutish j. we inherit 744 19 of the schools 779 2 Jars-made to drain 877 1 my words are httle j 904 19 Jas-in Arab language is 403 7 Jasmine-meshes of the j 307 20 see also Jasmine p. 403 Jasper-what is bettre than J.?.. .888 3 Jaundiced-yellow to the j. eye.. .771 17 Javelin-in his hand a j 748 4 Jaws-certain bits in certain j 333 8 gray head and gaunt j 634 3 greedy j. ready for to teare 580 20 of danger and of death 856 19 of darkness do devour 754 16 of death 167 17, 858 8 opens her j. for gold 53 6 opens wide her j 65 6 pierce their sUmy j 29 12 ponderous and marble j 339 17 redeem truth from his j 410 8 shronke into his j 622 8 Jay-admires the j. the insect's.. .256 3 more precious than 127 6 Jays-overstocked with j 552 12 Jealous-in honor 16 13 lookout as a rival 266 6 loving-j. of his liberty 479 17 man grows j. and with cause... 497 8 one not easily j 479 4 see also Jealousy Dp. 403, 404 Jealousies-blown by surmises, j.. .688 11 but what your j. awake 404 16 his pettier j 151 6 Jealousy-and j. injustice 890 6 as cruel as the grave 480 22 contempt of others, and j 101 3 have a tincture of j 297 8 in j. I rede eek 652 19 no j. their dawn of love 495 21 of sad distrust and j 500 17 see also Jealousy pp. 403, 404 Jean-and farewell my J 261 4 just the common J. and Hans..627 17 Jeanie Morrison-dear, dear J. M.781 26 Jeer-least propensity to j 502 7 Jeffersonian-simplieity 194 19 vulgarity 194 19 Jeffrey-no one minds what J. Bays.744 10 to J. go, be silent 150 1 Jehovah-hath triumphed 294 18 Jove or Lord 027 14 to praise J.'s name 627 18 | Jehu-like the driving of J 378 17 Jekyll-who used to say 810 16 Jcllicoe-has Nelsonie attributes. .846 3 i Jellyfish-and a saurian 241 18 Jenny-kissed me when we met.. .417 16 Jeopardy-from place of j 69 1 Jencho-go to J 640 8 tarry at J 349 3 | Jerk-with a dexterous j 20 9