Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1261

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open to receive me 264 10 years that through my p 323 2 Portas-non tarn p. intrare 850 IS Portasque-postes p. refregit 848 4 Portrcannons-periwigs 261 IS Portcullis-wait at the p 716 22 Porte-ohassez par la p 545 2 La P. Sublima 823 10 ouvre moi ta p 527 1 per gran dogha p 402 3 Portend-comets that p. no war . .315 1 mortal crisis doth p 304 24 Portends-strange things 574 20 Portent-oil Ton veut aller 675 22 Portentous-is prosperity 638 7 Portents-strange and erratic p. . .190 21 these are p 581 16 Porter-all p. and sldttles 444 4 my half of the p.'s load 185 15 Portes-toute les p. et chemin 854 6 triples p. forth verroux 634 12 Portico-across its antique p 141 4 Portion-and receives his p 913 9 fill a certain p. of uncertain 256 13 he wales a p 918 7 of that around me 121 3 o' impertinence 886 1 waste p. of the earth 675 8 Porto-che' in p. entrai 233 7 Portons-les p. sur nos 6paules . . . 341 7 Porto Reque-let them sail for PJt. 64 l Portum-in Fortunam inveni p. . . 233 4 jam p. inveni 233 6 Portrait-heavenly p. of angel's. . . 62 22 of the soul 736 26 wherein as in a p 912 12 who can take death's p 180 24 Portraits-display of family p 24 17 glowing p. fresh from life 576 7 their p. were absent 3 9 Portraying-manner of p. another'sl03 18 Ports-are to a wise man p 361 22 of slumber open wide 720 4 thousands of miles apart 505 2 Portugal-like the bay of P 477 22 Poscimus-obrepit non intellecta. .447 6 Poscunt-fidem secunda 271 18 Posies-a thousand fragrant p 681 13 Positas-artes intra se p 340 23 Position-every p. must be held. . . 847 6 one does not hold 919 23 raised to a high p 94 3 this is my p ■ ■ ■ 848 3 Positive-of a shadow is a p. thing . 700 3 one single p. weighs 42 23 Posdtivist-Man and a P 241 19 Positiviste-sought with the P. . . . 662 11 Possedute-^ provate, dp 469 21 Possess-believe they p. it 835 20 man does p. good qualities . . . .437 17 never once p. our soul 736 17 patience p. ye your souls 737 23 sweetest uses given to p 61 18 thing you p. is worth 615 19 we do not p 421 8 what I now have 134 20 what one loves 473 16, 615 3 Possessed-all the universe 480 14 I die, but first I have p 615 4 I have p 231 6 likehimself.p 226 9 regain love once p. . . ; 60 16 survives man who p. it ...... . 99 16 these riches are p • • ■ -865 6 Possesses-happy who p. much . . .351 10 Possessest-such knowledge 422 10 Posseasing-all things 438 6, 615 9 Possessio-idiuturna p. in quam. . .337 4 sociis jucunda p. est 691. 4 Possession-added to best things. .608 21 are in p. of a crown 683 3 bliss in p. will not last 73 2 bribe the poor p. of the 446 6 cease from its p 797 12 chosen p. of men 76 17 easy to resign p §65 17 fame, our best p 786 3 for the p. of Egypt 853 7 housed where it gets p 714 23 no p. is gratifying ■ .125 8 of family wealth 24 2 robs us of some p 795 8 sixpence but in her p 496 6 trembles in p 578 3 we gain by the sword 337 4 whole p. ere it rest 90 11 see also Possession pp. 615-617 Possessions-and military posts. . .617 3 at ease in his p 164 16 books most precious p 79 3 Possessor-alienable only by the p. 333 16 ambition destroys its p 21 19 is bound to administer 864 16 power corrupts the p 623 6 receive thy new p 363 8 Possest-less pleasing when p 376 6 Possibilities-speak with p 246 16 Possibility-future p. or chance. .645 22 Possible-Christ, that it were p. . .389 21 isitp 758 8 Possident em-no n p. mult a 351 10 Possis-id velis quod p 882 22 Possunt-qua posse videntur 2 10 Post-at the p.— their death 283 19 evil news rides p 533 16 maintain your p 207 16 o'er land and ocean 318 17 of honor, a private station 372 21 of honor shall be mine 373 14 travellers bait then p. away . . .446 17 twopenny p.'b in despair 829 3 see also Post pp. 617, 618 Posfc-boy-never see a dead p 898 6 Posteraque-in dubio fortunam. . .290 19 Posteri-culpam majorum p 619 5 Posterior-cum rota p. curras . . . -253 2 Posteriore — calva 571 10 Posteriores-enim cogitationes. . . .787 23 Posteritas^decus p. rependet 619 13 Posteritate-ex p. et infamia 368 3 PoBterit6-la p. contemporaine — 619 10 Posterity-can hardly trace 687 1 descend even to p 89 4 do not give you to p 243 8 infamous reputation with p — 368 3 look forward to p 24 1 of those yet unborn 75 15 retail'd to all p 822 1 sheds light around p 25 7 tie and obligation to p 25 17 will judge of work 758 17 will say of Washington 861 4 see also Posterity pp. 618, 619 Poster-like-emblazonries 52 6 Postern-camel to thread the p. . . . 194 11 PoBtero-minime credula p 795 4 Posteros-vixit ad p 619 9 Posthumous-famewhose birth isp.257 19 papers have met 829 1 Postman-daily packet of the p. - - 618 1 Postpone-the cure for a year 514 13 Postpones-the hour of living 446 10 Posts-sent letters by p 617 15 Postscenia-vitffl p. celant 695 17 Postscript-see Post pp. 617, 618 Postulare-id gratiae appone 267 10 Posy-find me next a Poppy p 614 T I made ap. while the 794 21 Pot-agree the kettle and p 42 3 a sot, a p., a fool 422 17 at the mouth of their p 756 2 deep to boil like a p 567 12 d'un sot, d'un p 422 17 help to boil thy p 524 1 it is the melting p 587 23 it sticks to the p 610 6 Joan doth keel the p 878 4 little p. and soon hot 139 6 of thorns under a p 428 22 said the p. to the kettle 150 3 storm in a boiling p 753 18 the p. boiling varlets stay 210 11 three-hooped p. shall have 638 3 .to boiling p. flies come not . . . .282 18 treasures from earthen p 630 14 see also Pottery pp. 619, 620 Potations-banish long p 82 1 Potato-every Irishman has a p. . .400 20 only good under ground 25 1 Potency-on their changeful p 293 18 Potens-ille p. sui lsetusque 446 9 Potentates-oldest of p 323 2 Potente-fidelis cum p. societas. . .623 5 Potentem-inops, p. dum vult 621 19 Potentia-divina p. rebus 305 15 Potentiality-of growing rich 865 12 Potentiam-cautis quam acribus. .623 20 Potentior-si p. parce tibi 394 17 Potest-apparere si sumas p 616 10 fieri quod vis non p 882 22 non p. vult posse 623 11 plus p. qui plus valet 756 13 Potestas-ipsa p. semina 711 13 ipsa scientia p. est 420 4 peragit tranquilla p 311 S poetis fuit asqua p 44 3 regni sociis p 302 18 Potestates-superae sibi vindicant.760 18 Potion-soon as the p. works 399 8 Potionis-sitim 381 24 Potomac-all quiet along the P.. . .842 1 flowed calmly 619 16 Pots-green earthen p 504 3 take the size of p. of ale 435 5 Pottage-for a messe of p 70 9 kept breath to cool his p 709 13 marigold for p. meet 495 4 spoil the p 885 22 Potter-as he turn his wheel 780 13 centre of the P.'s trade 187 26 is at enmity with p 86 6 whirled like a p.'s wheel 789 16 see also Pottery pp. 619. 620 Potuisse-non p. repelli 702 12 Pouch-by his side a p. he wore . . . 502 6 on side 16 is Poule-parle et coq se taist 893 21 renard qu'une p. pris 293 12 sa p. au pot 211 19 Poulterer-scape the p.'s knife. . . . 116 15 Poultice-silence like a p. fell 708 17 Pouncet-box-he held ap 805 13 Pound-claim a p. of flesh 414 26 never be worth ap 763 7 penny wise p. foolish 521 20 worth a p. of privilege 920 l worth a p. of sorrow 511 12 Pounds-draw for a thousand p.. .740 22 in a thousand p. of law 631 19 prefer books to p 461 14 six hundred p. a year 882 21 sixteen p. to square inch VI three hundred p. a year 866 17 two hundred p. a year 197 23 will take care of themselves . . .522 2 Pour-not my Spirit 839 15 the sweet milk of concord 97 8 upon the world a flood of 428 8 Poured-back into my soul 834 24 Millions of Bubbles 449 IB the wine- is p 262 6 Pours-a never-ending sheet 655 4 rain arter it fairly p 637 4 such blessings Nature p 548 10 Pouter-tumbler and fantail 242 6 Poverty-all p. was scorned 188 l and oysters go together 575 11 ashamed of p > -702 11 communism of oppressed p 331 8 health to p 801 22 make our p. our pride 654 24 monarchies through p 333 13 Mother of Crimes 698 3 neither p. nor riches 520 14 no splendid p 691 7 pitied in a Christian p 406 23 quicksands p. or chains 485 3 rich in p. enjoys content 134 11 rising from affluence to p 18 6 safe from p 520 6 seek honest undowered p 290 6 sharp-edged rock of p 838 23 she scorns ourp 632 23 show equal p. of mind 307 2 sickness, p. and death 26 16 stood smiling in my sight 595 13 suffering hard p 351 10 two gods P. and Despair 324 3 wants much 53 12 whom neither p. nor death 295 8 worth by p. depress'd 919 22 would be a fable 922 23 see also Poverty pp. 620-622 Powder-as hasty p. fir'd 610 1 die, like fire and p 188 2 flung away , 152 8 food for p 856 2 for the hair 157 6 keep your p. dry 816 24 with strange hermetic p 502 6 Powder-cart- forrid upon a p 850 8 Power-above witheasecansave. .317 6