Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/127

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Calomniez, calomniez; il en reste toujours quelque chose.
Calumniate, calumniate; there will always be something which sticks.

BeaumarchaisBarbier de Seville. Act III. 13.


Nihil est autem tarn volucre, quam maledictum; nihil facilius emittitur; nihil citius excipitur, latius dissipatur.
Nothing is so swift as calumny; nothing is more easily uttered; nothing more readily received; nothing more widely dispersed.

CiceroOratorio Pro Cnœo Plancio. XXIII.

Calumny is only the noise of madmen.

A nickname a man may chance to wear out; but a system of calumny, pursued by a faction, may descend even to posterity. This principle has taken full effect on this state favorite.
Isaac D'IsraeliAmenities of Literature. The First Jesuits in England.


Dens Theonina.
Like Theon (i.e. a calumniating disposition).

HoraceEpistles. Bk. I. 18. 82.

There are calumnies against which even innocence loses courage.
Napoleon I

Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes.
Hamlet. Act I. Sc. 3. L. 38.

Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny.
Hamlet. Act II. Sc. 1. L. 138.


No might nor greatness in mortality
Can censure 'scape; back-wounding calumny
The whitest virtue strikes. What king so strong,
Can tie the gall up in the slanderous tongue?

Measure for Measure. Act III. Sc. 2. L. 146.


Calumny will sear
Virtue itself;—these shrugs, these hums, and ha's.

Winter's Tale. Act II. Sc. 1. L. 73.




Where stray ye, Muses! in what lawn or grove,

  • * * * * *

In those fair fields where sacred Isis glides,
Or else where Cam his winding vales divides?

PopeSummer. L. 23.


Anthemis nobilis

For though the camomile, the more it is trodden on the faster it grows.
Henry IV. Pt. I. Act II. Sc. 4. L. 441.



Thou should'st be carolling thy Maker's praise,
Poor bird! now fetter'd, and here set to draw,
With graceless toil of beak and added claw,
The meagre food that scarce thy want allays!
And this—to gratify the gloating gaze
Of fools, who value Nature not a straw,
But know to prize the infraction of her law
And hard perversion of her creatures' ways!
Thee the wild woods await, in leaves attired,
Where notes of liquid utterance should engage
Thy bill, that now with pain scant forage earns.

Julian PanePoems. Second Edition, with Additional Poems. To a Canary Bird.


Sing away, ay, sing away,
Merry little bird
Always gayest of the gay,
Though a woodland roundelay
You ne'er sung nor heard;
Though your life from youth to age
Passes in a narrow cage.

D. M. MulockThe Canary in his Cage.


Bird of the amber beak,
Bird of the golden wing!
Thy dower is thy carolling;
Thou hast not far to seek
Thy bread, nor needest wine
To make thy utterance divine;
Thou art canopied and clothed
And unto Song betrothed.

E. C. StedmanThe Songster. St. 2.



How old I am! I'm eighty years!
I've worked both hard and long,
Yet patient as my life has been,
One dearest sight I have not seen—
It almost seems a wrong;
A dream I had when life was new,
Alas our dreams! they come not true;
I thought to see fair Carcassonne,
That lovely city—Carcassonne!

Gustave NadaudCarcassonne.


Lobelia Cardinalis


Whence is yonder flower so strangely bright?
Would the sunset's last reflected shine
Flame so red from that dead flush of light?
Dark with passion is its lifted line,
Hot, alive, amid the falling night.

Dora Read GoodaleCardinal Flower.


(See also Gambling)


Paciencia y barajar.
Patience and shuffle the cards.

CervantesDon Quixote. II. 23.


With spots quadrangular of diamond form,
Ensanguined hearts, clubs typical of strife,
And spades, the emblems of untimely graves.

CowperTask. Bk. IV. The Winter Evening. L. 217.

He's a sure card.
DrydenThe Spanish Friar. Act II. Sc. 2.