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My folks, to tell you the plain truth,
Are a' right sair dung down o'mouth.
But tell me how you hae been fending?
And on your trade, how you're depending?

About my weelfare I maun say,
That faith, it is but sae an' sae;
My trade at present is right brisk,
If l could just stan' out the risk;
But Jamie man, it is sae kittle,
That, L—d, a body darena meddle
To get a gude ane, hale an soun,
To gar the muckle pat play brown:
I am sae watch'd, an sae suspeckit,
That, faith, I ance was maist deteckit.

Vow. Johnnie man, like weather various
The times wi' me are as precarious;
I've seen the time, I tell you true.
That I've gaen out as brisk's a Ewe,
To my kail yard, at nine o clock
An' ta'en therefrom a gude kail stock;
But till't I darena gang at night,
For in't they keep a muckle light;
An men wi' guns do walk it roun',
To keep the stocks below the groun'
But this we'll let alane just now,
An' tell me what you've heard that's new?

The news, dear Jamie, are sae bad,
That faith, I think they'll put me mad!
O' S———dy S———tt had I my will,
I'd send him (curse him) down to h—ll!