Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/166

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"Like thunder! Ye'll have to stick. I'm a man shy. One of my men was kicked by a mule. An' I want to know th' real reason why ye didn't answer when ye heard me hoot. Orders says ye must."

"I've told you. Keep the post yourself. I'm going to turn in." And shouldering his rifle Lander stalked toward the camp.

"Say, ye danged greenhorn, come back here on th' jump. Sleepin' on yer post——"

"You're a liar!"

"An' darin' to tell me to stand yer watch! I'll——"

"You go plumb to the devil!" snarled Lander, resuming his way.

He believed he had been in his blankets only a minute when he was aroused by a moccasin stirring his ribs. He blinked and sat up, then leaped to his feet inarticulate from wrath. Porker stood there, glaring at him evilly.

"So ye dis'beyed orders an' quit yer post in th' Injun country, ye runt," accused Porker. "I'll make a zample of ye."

"You put up that job with Rummy. Played me for two watches, you overgrown jackass."