Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/65

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pair of fours. His chief laid down his truculent spear and patted him on the shoulder. But the disappearance of the three kings puzzled our common enemy greatly. Doubtless he finally decided he had made a mistake in discarding; for he carelessly pawed over the dead cards with one immense hand and found the royal trio which he had supposed he held.

"‘Teased him a bit,' grinned Tib, as he tossed the cards together in an honest deal. 'I didn't cheat, my boy. I simply let him try, and he failed. It will teach him to avoid temptation in the future, I hope.'

"But the other, being short of dogs, now shoved me onto the mat and motioned that Emma and five dogs be put against me. Tib's treasurer demurred, and wanted to set Emma up alone. Then my patron got mad and threatened to jump onto the rug himself. This scared Goliath, and he sulkily allowed the dogs to be wagered. My captor passed his hand, and to my surprise Tib followed suit, making it the first jack-pot.

"‘He'll be careful in discarding this time, I'm sure,' grinned Tib, handing over the deck with a brazen flush carelessly displayed near the top.

"The old fellow grabbed the cards with a grunt of joy, and dealt. Tib hesitated, then opened for one dog. My owner came back with a five-dog