Page:Hugh Pendexter--Tiberius Smith.djvu/99

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family legends, child. Your frontlet bears as a device a two-legged horse with a wart on his nose, prancing with blind staggers in an azure field. The Latin was largely knocked off by the bullet, but here's bello, and it means you must be doughty in war. Maybe Cæsar wore it.'

"You simply couldn't check his spirits. He didn't seem to care for the mob outside, but squandered precious time in hunting for a plume to stick in his helmet. I tried to quiet him and make him finish fastening his greaves, but he took his time.

"‘We must teach 'em, my child,' he responded, 'that chivalry is not dead, and as this passage-at-arms is to be a l' outrance to the finish, I would fain caracole the lists right bonnily. Remember, if we win, it is our prerogative to name the Queen of Beauty. Say, how do I look?'

"And, really, he certainly was a gay scene, especially after he closed his vizor and tried to imitate a clarion through the rusty bars. His uniform fitted like a glove, while mine was low in the neck and roomy. It was very hard to move about and retain our balance, as we had strapped on our skates the first thing, but the effect was stunning. Then Tib balked again and wouldn't open the door until he had found a weapon in keeping with the rest of the furniture.

"‘I've got to have something to brandish in my