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An arrow of a cloth yard's length,
Unto the head he drew—
Against Sir Hugh Montgomery then
So right his shaft he set,
The grey goose wings that were therein
In his heart’s blood were wet.
The fight did last from break of day
till setting of the sun;
For when they rung the evening bell,
The battle scarce was done.
With the Earl Percy there was slain—
Sir John of Ogerton ;
Sir Robert Ratcliffe and Sir John,
Sir James the bold baron :
Sir George and also good Sir Hugh,
Both knights of good account;
Good Sir Ralph Raby there was slain.
Whose powers did surmount;
For Witherington I needs must wail,
As one in woeful dumps—
For when his legs were smitten off.
He fought upon his stumps.
And with Earl Douglas there was slain—
Sir Hugh Montgomery;
Sir Charles Murray that from the field
One foot would never fly;
Sir Charles Murray of Ratcliffe too
His sister’s son was he:
Sir David Lamb so well esteemed,
Yet saved could he not be;
And Lord Maxwell e’en likewise.
Did with Earl Douglas die.
Of fifteen hundred Scottish men,
Went home but fifty-three;