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Huon of Burdeux

¶ How kynge Oberon deuysyd with his knyghtes in his cyte of Mommure in the fayrye of the dedes of Huon of Burdeux, & of that[1] sholde fall[2] after to hym.

Ca. .lxxxvi.

Oberon returns to Mommur and bewails the sad fate that is still in store for Huon.WHan kynge Oberon was departyd fro Burdeux he came to his cyte of Mommure. Than[3] he began sore to wepe. Than Gloryaunt demaundyd of hym why he made that sorow. 'Gloryauns,' quod Oberon, 'it is for the vnhappy Huon / he is alone, and I knowe well here after he shalbe betrayed, and all for Esclaramonde will cause him much suffering.Esclaramonde his wyfe / for though[4] he haue or[5] this tyme sufferyd great trauayle and myche trouble and pouerte / yet I knowe surely that he shall suffer more than euer he dyd, & he shal [6]haue no socoure of any man lyuynge' / 'why, sir,' quod Gloryauns, 'how can that be? / for Huon is a grete lorde, & hath many frendes, and is the moost hardyest knyght now lyuyng / & he is at accorde with kynge Charlemayn, therfore he were a greate foole that wolde make hym any warre, & do hym any displeasure' / 'well,' quod Oberon, 'god ayde hym in all his affayres / for or[5] it be longe he shall haue myche to do.' Thus Oberon entred in to his ryche palays, & sayd agayne, 'A, fre[7] knyght Huon, I know well ye shalbe betrayed for the loue of your wyfe, who
  1. which,
  2. happen.
  3. and there.
  4. that.
  5. 5.0 5.1 ere.
  6. Fol. lxv. back, col. 1.
  7. deare.