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'Syr,' quod they, 'we haue passyd by Fraunce, & fyrst They tell him how Esclaramonde received them at Bordeaux, and how fair she is,we were at Burdeux, & there we founde ye duches Esclaramonde, wyfe to Huon of Burdeux, of whom ye haue herd so myche spekynge of.[1] she is so fayre & so well fourmyd,[2] so swete, pleasaunt, & gracyous as can be deuysyd. she is doughter to the admyrall Gaudys, whom Huon hath slayne, & taken her to his wyfe / grete domage[3] is it th|at Huon sholde haue suche a wyfe / for she were and how worthy to be the wife of a greater prince than Huon—even of Raoul himself.meter to be wyfe to a pusaunt kinge, for who so euer had suche a wyfe to lye by myght wel say that there were none lyke her in all ye worlde / wolde to our lorde god, sir / that she were your wyfe' / whan the duke herde that, he chaungyd coloure & greatly couertyd the lady in his herte / so that he was stryken with [4]such [5]sparke of that for the[5] byrnynge loue that he had to the lady Esclaramonde,[6] he promysed & The Duke swears that he will wed Esclaramonde.sware that he wolde haue her, who so euer sayd the contrary, & sayd howe[7] he wolde slee Huon, & than haue Esclaramonde to his wyfe. Thus duke Raoull sware the deth of Huon /[8] than he departyd fro the pylgremes. yll was employed[9] the almes that Esclaramonde had gyuen them.

¶ How duke Raoull of Austrych, by the reporte of the pylgremes, was amourous of the fayre Esclaramonde / and of the tornay that was cryed,[10] to thentent to haue slayne Huon.

Ca. .lxxxviii.

  1. for.
  2. fauoured.
  3. pittie.
  4. Fol. lxvi. back, col. 1.
  5. 5.0 5.1 violent and.
  6. as.
  7. that.
  8. and.
  9. bestowed.
  10. proclaimed.