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Ca. lxxxviii.] how a pilgrim comes to bordeaux. 281 herde the duches his wyfe he was wel comforted, & began to laugh, & sayde, ' fay re ladye, I can 1 you grete thanke for your wordes, but ye are to farre gone with Haon tens her that her health 4 chyld to ryde armed ; it is a seuen monethes past syn wm not miiow ye were fyrst with chylde ' / then Huon made to be company. cryed 2 in all his londes that euery man sholde be redy Proclamation ia made throaghoat to go with hym to the tornay at Mayence. The dukes Bordeaux bidding 8 en tent was anone knowen through 3 all the countre, so aocon^ny Haon that it 4 spred a brode that 6 the brute therof came to the *° M * yeno ^ herynge of duke Raoull / and, when he herd that Huon Raoui hear* of wold come to the tornay, he was 6 ioyfull therof / then 12 he sware that he wolde go and se Esclaramonde in the guyse of a pylgreme / 7 then he toke 8 on a beggers gar- and diagniaing ment and 9 a staffe & a wallet / he shewed his entent to piSrim, decree to them of his preuey counsel! they wold haue stopped Eadaramonda. 16 his goynge, but they coude not / thus he appareled him selfe lyke a begger / and with an herbe rubbed so 10 his face and handes that suche as hadde not sene hym 11 apparelled coulde not haue knowen hym, he was so 20 foule and blacke. 12 he desyred his men to kepe secret his enterpryce. Then he departyd fro Vyen, & neuer He leavea Vienna rested tyll he came to the cyte of Burdeux, and so wente BordeaaxT ** to 13 the palays & 14 founde Huon amonge his barons, He tees Huon 24 makynge grete chere and feest, for to 13 hym was come amonghi,b * n>ns » dyuers lordes and knyghtes, deuysynge of the tornay that shold be holden at Mayence. Thus Raoull came before Huon, & desyred hym for the honoure of our 28 lorde god to gyue hym some mete & almes. ' Frende,' and bege for quod Huon, 1 thou shalt haue ynough / but I pray the tell me 15 fro whens thou comest, and whyther thou wylt go, & of what countre thou arte of * 6 / ' sir,' quod Raoul, 32 ' I am 16 borne of the countre of Berry, but it is .xx. yere 1 giue. 1 proclaimed. 3 out 4 being. 6 omitted. 8 not a little. 7 and. 8 putte. 9 tooke. 10 on. u otherwise. 12 then. 13 vnto. 14 where he. 16 Fol. lxvii. back, col. 1. u was. Digitized by Googk