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Here's a health to them that's awa,
Here’s a health to them that's awa.
And wha winna wish gude luck to our cause,
May never gude luck be their fa’,
It’s gude to be merry and wise,
It's gude to he honest and true,
It’s gude to support Caledonia’s cause
And bide by the bonnets of blue.

Hurrah for the bonnets of blue,
Hurrah for the bonnets of blue,
It’s gude to support Caledonia’s cause
And bide by the bonnets of blue.
Here’s a health to them that’s awa,
Here’s a health to them that’s awa,
Here’s a health to Charlie, the chief o’the clan,
Although that his band be sae sma’.

Here’s freedom to them that would read,
Here’s freedom to them that would write,
There’s nane ever fear’d that the truth should be heard
But, they whom the truth wad indite.
Hurrah for the bonnets of blue,
Hurrah for the bonnets of blue,
It’s gude to be wise, to be honest, and true
And bide by the bonnets of blue.