Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/106

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lemon, and the peal grated, half a pound of sugar, half a nutmeg, seven eggs, two spoonsfull of rose water. Bake one and an half hour.

potatoe starch.

WASH and pare potatoes, grate them upon large tin graters, and fill tubs about half full with the pulp: Then fill them up with water: Stir it well once a day three or four days, and take off all the scum. About the fifth day take out the pulp, and put it into shallow earthen pans, such as are used for milk, as much as will cover the bottom an inch thick, and put water upon it. Every morning pour off the water, break up the starch and add fresh water. When it has thus become very white, leave it in the pans till it is quite dry, then put it into paper bags, and put it into a dry place to keep.


THE reason why hens do not lay in winter is the want of lime to form the shell. Let them have access to wheat which contains lime, or to lime itself, and they will lay as well in the winter as any other time. Pounded bones will answer the same purpose with lime.

Corn given to fowls should be crushed or soaked in water. This helps digestion, and hens will lay in the winter that are thus fed that would not otherwise.

pruning fruit trees.

THE best time for pruning fruit trees is when the tree possesses the greatest quantity of sap, which is about the middle of June. If a limb of any considera-