Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/112

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fras, as the spirits will cover; steep ten or twelve hours; take half a wine glass full at bed time, early in the morning, and at eleven o'clock. At the same time rub the part affected, with this compound; the dose may be increased if necessary; the effect is a violent perspiration. Exposure to take cold must be avoided.

rice jelly.

THIS is one of the best and most nourishing preparations of rice, particularly for valetudinarians or convalescents. It is thus made: Boil a quarter of a pound of rice flour, with half a pound of loaf sugar, in a quart of water, till the whole becomes one uniform gelatinous mass; then strain off the jelly and let it stand to cool. A little of this salubrious food eaten at a time, will be found very beneficial to those of a weakly and infirm constitution.

ring wormCure for.

FINE starch reduced to powder, and kept constantly applied on and around the parts affected with the ring worm, will soon cure that teasing and infectious cuticular distemper. On the head ring worms sometimes come to running sores, which must once or twice a day be washed with soap and water, and dressed with basilicon ointment keeping the rest of the head dry, and constantly covered with powdered starch. The body must be kept gently open with sulphur and cream of tartar.

Another remedy.

COVER the part with common writing ink.