Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/141

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of which is thrown above the surface in vegetating, should have the less quantity of soil above them that they may not meet with two great resistance in rising; such as kidney beans and many other sorts The same seeds may and ought to be buried deeper in a light and dry than a heavy and moist soil When the ground is rolled after sowing, the seeds will vegetate nearer the surface, and therefore they do not need to be sowed so deep as when the rolling is omitted.

Sowing seeds with the drill has many advantages over the broad cast method. No seed is wasted, they all rise nearly together, each seed has proper room for its growth; no starved heads will appear, and the whole will ripen together. Half a bushel of wheat, or even a less quantity, in this way will seed an acre sufficiently.

spavins in horses.

THERE are three sorts of spavins. First the bone spavin: This is a bony excresence formed in the joint, which impedes the motion of the joint, and is seldom curable. Secondly, the wind spavin; it commonly comes in the horse's ham. Prick the swelling with a phlehm knife, but take especial care not to injure the nervous cords, for this will often bring on the lock jaw. Upon opening the swelling you will often find a gelatinous homour to issue from the opening: apply a turnip poultice for a few days to draw out the humour, then strengthen the part, by bathing it with brandy.

Thirdly, the blood spavin. The coats of the vein being ruptured, the blood extravasates, and forms a protuberance in the vein.