Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/155

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way of insects, produce a large crop and make the turnips be sweet and palatable.

To preserve Turnips from insects.

1. TO each quart of turnip-seed, add one ounce of brimstone finely powdered, put both into a bottle, large enough to afford room to shake them well together every day, for four or five days, previous to sowing, keeping the bottle well corked.

2. Take such a quantity of elder leaves, as, when bruised, will yield juice sufficient to cover the turnip seed you intend to sow, in which let it soak about twelve hours; the next day mix it with the bruised leaves, and sow all together.

Turnip-seed is generally covered with a brush-harrow; take elder bushes for this purpose; if the berries are on, the effect will be increased. If notwithstanding these precautions the fly should attack the young plant, draw elder bushes gently over them.

Turnips sowed upon ground where a crop of flax has been taken off, are not so likely to be injured by the fly; it is also well to sow turnips while it rains, they do not require to be harrowed in, and grow so rapidly, as soon to get beyond the power of the fly.

vinegar of roses.

THIS fine vinegar is made by putting a quantity of fresh rose leaves loosely into a jar or bottle, pouring upon them the best white wine vinegar so as to fill it to the height first occupied by the leaves, if, for example the jar be thus apparently filled, there will be still room enough for the proper quantity of vinegar; let