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the sight in cases of weak eyes. It is indeed universally admitted that a green colour is highly grateful to the eye. There is a very essential difference, however, between looking at, and through green. A greater exertion of the organ of vision is unquestionably required in using green than white glasses, on account of their opacity. By using green Spectacles, especially those of a deep tint, the eye is subject to frequent, and not inconsiderable variations in respect to the degrees of light; and every such sudden and violent change, must of necessity be detrimental to the organ of vision. Green glasses can be considered as serving the purpose of a shade only, which can more conveniently be afforded by other contrivances, calculated to protect the eye from the vivid rays of light. They should, therefore, be reversed for urgent occasions, and only as a relief to the eye, when it feels uneasy, from excessive irritation, and unusual exertion. At other times plain white spectacles should be be preferred.


THE following general rules with regard to size and management of stock are given by Sir John Sinclair, and are worthy of a general attention.

1. Animals intended for the butcher should be kept in a state of regular improvement. The finer breeds are highly fed from their birth, and are almost always fat. With other breeds, and on pastures of inferiour quality, this is neither necessary nor practicable. But in every case the same principle of improvement should be adhered to, and such animals ought never to be allowed to lose flesh, in the hope of afterwards restoring it by better feeding.

2. The size should never be above that which the pasture can support in a thriving condition. The at-