of soot, add to it three quarts of water poured on boiling hot, pour it into an earthen pot, cover it close and let it remain twelve hours, then pour it off clear, or filter it through s paper, put it into bottles and keep it in a cool place and it is fit for use. For a grown person take a wine glass full of it, and if that don't remove the pain, repeat the dose every half hour until relieved: if the pain is not very acute, one or two doses will be sufficient; to a child a tea spoonful will do for a dose.
TAKE a handful of the herb called Horehound, put it into two quarts of water, boil it down one half—after straining put in some honey or molasses; put it on the fire to incorporate; then add a little old rum, and cork it up Take half a tea-cup full filled up with warm milk; if you cannot readily procure milk warm from the cows, make cold milk blood warm.—Take a tea cup full before breakfast, and another about noon upon an empty stomach.
Dissolve over a chaffing dish of coals in a tight room an equal quantity of rosin and yellow wax. Let the patient remain in the room as long as convenient, and his strength will admit, and repeat the operation three or four times a day.
corks of Wine-Bottles, how secured.
CUT the Cork off even, wipe the Cork and neck of the bottle dry, dip it in a melted composition of wax two ounces, rosin four ounces.
corn, musty, cure for.
IMMERSE it in boiling water, and let it remain till