Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/68

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ter will answer every purpose. You may thus efface grease spots from paper, should any ligrht stain remain at the edges, brush it with a camel's hair pencil, dipt in very strong spirits of wine, or ether.

Spots of tallow, wax, grease, &c. it is said may be removed from woollen cloth by laying to the surface a piece of blotting paper, and pressing it with a flat iron moderately heated.

gripes in Horses er Cattle.

ON perceiving the first symptoms of the gripes in a horse, ox, cow, &c. fold a large sack, or coarse sheet or cloth and let it remain some time in boiling water, then, conveying the vessel to the stable, clap the hot sack or cloth on the animal's loins, covering it over with a warm blanket The animal must be kept in a close place, free from any admission of cold air. The pain is usually removed in less than eight minutes, and the cure is certain where the animal stools soon after the application.

gun barrels, to give a beautiful brown Colour to.

SCOUR all the spots of rust carefully from your gun barrel and polish it bright; then take a piece of roll brimstone and lay it on some burning coals, hold the barrel over the smoke of the brimstone for some minutes, carefully turning it that it may have access to all parts of it. After which put it into a cellar, or some damp place, where let it remain about twelve hours ; on taking it out it will be found to be covered with a fine efflorescence, which wipe off carefully with a fine woollen cloth. If any part of the barrel has not taken the colour polish the spot anew and pursue the same process as before; when you find the barrel complete-