Page:Hyderabad in 1890 and 1891; comprising all the letters on Hyderabad affairs written to the Madras Hindu by its Hyderabad correspondent during 1890 and 1891 (IA hyderabadin1890100bangrich).pdf/81

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Page 73

HYDERABAD, 14th February 1891.

Those that think that public opinion will carry any weight with the party in power on the matter of the appointment of a Hindu in place of Mr. Ekbal Ali on the High Court Bench, are very much mistaken. "The vacancy will not be filled with a Hindu, nor will it be filled at all until a favorite turns up on the scene," I said in my last Ietter. And we have a confirmation of it in the following terms in the Deccan Standard: "H. E. the Minister is, we are confident, fully alive to the advantages of securing a Hindu Judge for the High Court. But as far as we have been able to gather, it is possible that no one will be appointed to succeed Mr. Justice Ekbal Ali, as it is thought that the High Court is already strong enough." Of what earthly use is His Excellency's being "fully alive to the advantages of securing a Hindu Judge" if he is fully determined upon not securing the advantages--is more than any one can understand. Perhaps in the case of a person of Ilis Excellency's exalted position-guarded too as it is by recent creations of Mulks, Doulas and Jungs-we have to take good intentions for good deeds and be thankful. In that case the intentious need only to be advortised by the Government organ. How and when the discovery was made that "the High Court Bench is already strong enough" and what would become of the discovory when a favourite turus up-I wish to be informed.

"We have no naturalisation law in Hyderabad" we are told by an apologist of the present administration. In what sense then is it that sons and nephews of many of the aliens in the service who were not born here, are Hyderabadees?

I have more than once told in these columns the "tale" of the degradation and misery that the Raja Sahib of Anagondi has been subjected to by those in power now. That the Raja Sahib came to be all of a sudden burdened with a peishkush of about Rs. 10,000, that he appealed against the unjust and unprecedented imposition, that a Taluqdhar and an Inspector-