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pain (M25.5-)

limb pain (M79.6-)
lumbar region pain (M54.57)
pelvic and perineal pain (R10.2)
shoulder pain (M25.51-)
spine pain (M54.-)
throat pain (R07.0)
tongue pain (K14.6)
tooth pain (K08.8)
renal colic (N23)
pain disorders exclusively related to psychological factors (F45.41)

R53 Malaise and fatigue

R53.0 Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
Code first associated neoplasm
R53.1 Weakness
Asthenia NOS
Excludes1: age-related weakness (R54)
muscle weakness (M62.8-)
senile asthenia (R54)
R53.2 Functional quadriplegia
Complete immobility due to severe physical disability or frailty
Excludes1: frailty NOS (R54)
hysterical paralysis (F44.4)
immobility syndrome (M62.3)
neurologic quadriplegia (G82.5-)
quadriplegia (G82.50)
R53.8 Other malaise and fatigue
Excludes1: combat exhaustion and fatigue (F43.0)
congenital debility (P96.9)
exhaustion and fatigue due to:
depressive episode (F32.-)
excessive exertion (T73.3)
exposure (T73.2)
heat (T67.-)
pregnancy (O26.8-)
recurrent depressive episode (F33)
senile debility (R54)
R53.81 Other malaise
Chronic debility
Debility NOS
General physical deterioration
Malaise NOS
Nervous debility
Excludes1: age-related physical debility (R54)
R53.82 Chronic fatigue, unspecified