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9 Unspecified injury of ankle and foot

S99.91 Unspecified injury of ankle
S99.911 Unspecified injury of right ankle
S99.912 Unspecified injury of left ankle
S99.919 Unspecified injury of ankle, unspecified side
S99.92 Unspecified injury of foot
S99.921 Unspecified injury of right foot
S99.922 Unspecified injury of left foot
S99.929 Unspecified injury of foot, unspecified side

Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (T07-T88)

Categories T00-T06 deactivated. Code to individual injuries.

Injuries involving multiple body regions (T07)

Excludes1: burns and corrosions (T20-T32)
frostbite (T33-T34)
insect bite or sting, venomous (T63.4)
sunburn (L55.-)

T07 Unspecified multiple injuries

Note: This code is for use only when no documentation is available identifying the specific injuries. This code is not for use in the inpatient setting
Excludes1: injury NOS (T14)

Categories T08-T13 deactivated.

Injury of unspecified body region (T14)

T14 Injury of unspecified body region

Excludes1: multiple unspecified injuries (T07)
T14.8 Other injury of suspecified body region
Contusion NOS
Crush injury NOS
Fracture NOS
Skin injury NOS
Vascular injury NOS
T14.9 Unspecified injury
T14.90 Injury, unspecified