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iris syndrome (post-iridectomy) (postprocedural) H21.82

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T81
A initial encounter
D subsequent encounter
S sequela
T81.1 Shock during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified
Collapse NOS during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified
Shock (hypovolemic) during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified
Postprocedural shock NOS during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified
Excludes1: anaphylactic shock NOS (T78.2)
anaphylactic shock due to correct substance properly administered (T88.6)
anaphylactic shock due to serum (T80.5)
anesthetic shock (T88.2)
electric shock (T75.4)
obstetric shock (O75.1)
septic shock (R65.21)
shock following abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.3)
traumatic shock (T79.4)
T81.3 Disruption of wound, not elsewhere classified
Disruption of any suture materials or other closure methods
Excludes1: breakdown (mechanical) of permanent sutures (T85.612)
displacement of permanent sutures (T86.622)
disruption of cesarean delivery wound (O90.0)
disruption of perineal obstetric wound (O90.1)
mechanical complication of permanent sutures NEC (T85.692)
T81.30 Disruption of wound, unspecified
Disruption of wound NOS
T81.31 Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified
Dehiscence of operation wound NOS
Disruption of operation wound NOS
Disruption or dehiscence of closure of cornea
Disruption or dehiscence of closure of mucosa
Disruption or dehiscence of closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Full-thickness skin disruption or dehiscence
Superficial disruption or dehiscence of operation wound
T81.32 Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified
Deep disruption or dehiscence of operation wound NOS