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9 Contaminated medical or biological substance administered by unspecified means

Administered contaminated medical or biological substance NOS

Y65 Other misadventures during surgical and medical care

Y65.0 Mismatched blood in transfusion
Y65.1 Wrong fluid used in infusion
Y65.2 Failure in suture or ligature during surgical operation
Y65.3 Endotracheal tube wrongly placed during anesthetic procedure
Y65.4 Failure to introduce or to remove other tube or instrument
Y65.5 Performance of wrong procedure (operation)
Y65.51 Performance of wrong procedure (operation) on correct patient
Wrong device implanted into correct surgical site
Excludes1: performance of correct procedure (operation) on wrong side or body part (Y65.53)
Y65.52 Performance of procedure (operation) on patient not scheduled for surgery
Performance of procedure (operation) intended for another patient
Performance of procedure (operation) on wrong patient
Y65.53 Performance of correct procedure (operation) on wrong side or body part
Performance of correct procedure (operation) on wrong side
Performance of correct procedure (operation) on wrong site
Y65.8 Other specified misadventures during surgical and medical care

Y66 Nonadministration of surgical and medical care

Includes: premature cessation of surgical and medical care
Excludes1: DNR status (Z66)
palliative care (Z51.5)

Y69 Unspecified misadventure during surgical and medical care

Medical devices associated with adverse incidents in diagnostic and therapeutic use (Y70-Y82)

Includes: breakdown or malfunction of medical devices (during use) (after implantation) (ongoing use)