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Leventhal syndrome

E28.3 Primary ovarian failure
Excludes1: pure gonadal dysgenesis (Q99.1)
Turner's syndrome (Q96.-)
E28.31 Premature menopause
E28.310 Symptomatic premature menopause
Symptoms such as flushing, sleeplessness, headache, lack of concentration, associated with premature menopause
E28.319 Asymptomatic premature menopause
Premature menopause NOS
E28.39 Other primary ovarian failure
Decreased estrogen
Resistant ovary syndrome
E28.8 Other ovarian dysfunction
Ovarian hyperfunction NOS
Excludes1: postprocedural ovarian failure (E89.4-)
E28.9 Ovarian dysfunction, unspecified

E29 Testicular dysfunction

Excludes1: androgen insensitivity syndrome (E34.5-)
azoospermia or oligospermia NOS (N46.0-N46.1)
isolated gonadotropin deficiency (E23.0)
Klinefelter's syndrome (Q98.0-Q98.2, Q98.4)
E29.0 Testicular hyperfunction
Hypersecretion of testicular hormones
E29.1 Testicular hypofunction
Defective biosynthesis of testicular androgen NOS
5-delta-Reductase deficiency (with male pseudohermaphroditism)
Testicular hypogonadism NOS
Excludes1: postprocedural testicular hypofunction (E89.5)
E29.8 Other testicular dysfunction
E29.9 Testicular dysfunction, unspecified

E30 Disorders of puberty, not elsewhere classified

E30.0 Delayed puberty
Constitutional delay of puberty
Delayed sexual development
E30.1 Precocious puberty
Precocious menstruation
Excludes1: Albright (-McCune) (-Sternberg) syndrome (Q78.1)
central precocious puberty (E22.8)
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (E25.0)
female heterosexual precocious pseudopuberty (E25.-)
male isosexual precocious pseudopuberty (E25.-)
E30.8 Other disorders of puberty
Premature thelarche