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A69.0 Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
Cancrum oris
Fusospirochetal gangrene
Stomatitis gangrenosa
A69.1 Other Vincent's infections
Fusospirochetal pharyngitis
Necrotizing ulcerative (acute) gingivitis
Necrotizing ulcerative (acute) gingivostomatitis
Spirochetal stomatitis
Trench mouth
Vincent's angina
Vincent's gingivitis
A69.2 Lyme disease
Erythema chronicum migrans due to Borrelia burgdorferi
A69.20 Lyme disease, unspecified
A69.21 Meningitis due to Lyme disease
A69.22 Other neurologic disorders in Lyme disease
Cranial neuritis
A69.23 Arthritis due to Lyme disease
A69.29 Other conditions associated with Lyme disease
Myopericarditis due to Lyme disease
A69.8 Other specified spirochetal infections
A69.9 Spirochetal infection, unspecified

Other diseases caused by chlamydiae (A70-A74)

Excludes1: sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases (A55-A56)

A70 Chlamydia psittaci infections

Parrot fever

A71 Trachoma

Excludes1: sequelae of trachoma (B94.0)
A71.0 Initial stage of trachoma
Trachoma dubium
A71.1 Active stage of trachoma
Granular conjunctivitis (trachomatous)
Trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis
Trachomatous pannus
A71.9 Trachoma, unspecified

A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae