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additional code to identify any associated medical condition and mental retardation.

F84.0 Autistic disorder
Infantile autism
Infantile psychosis
Kanner's syndrome
Excludes1: Asperger?s syndrome (F84.5)
F84.2 Rett's syndrome
Excludes1: Asperger?s syndrome (F84.5)
Autistic disorder (F84.0)
Other childhood disintegrative disorder (F84.3)
F84.3 Other childhood disintegrative disorder
Dementia infantilis
Disintegrative psychosis
Heller's syndrome
Symbiotic psychosis
Use additional code to identify any associated neurological condition.
Excludes1: Asperger?s syndrome (F84.5)
Autistic disorder (F84.0)
Rett's syndrome (F84.2)
F84.5 Asperger's syndrome
Asperger?s disorder
Autistic psychopathy
Schizoid disorder of childhood
F84.8 Other pervasive developmental disorders
Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements
F84.9 Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
Atypical autism

F88 Other disorders of psychological development

Includes: developmental agnosia

F89 Unspecified disorder of psychological development

Includes: developmental disorder NOS

Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence (F90-F98)

Note: Codes within categories F90-F98 may be used regardless of the age of a patient. These disorders generally have onset within the childhood or adolescent years, but may continue throughout life or not be diagnosed until adulthood

F90 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders

Includes: attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity
attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity