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215 Cutaneous abscess of perineum

L02.216 Cutaneous abscess of umbilicus
L02.219 Cutaneous abscess of trunk, unspecified
L02.22 Furuncle of trunk
Boil of trunk
Folliculitis of trunk
L02.221 Furuncle of abdominal wall
L02.222 Furuncle of back [any part, except buttock]
L02.223 Furuncle of chest wall
L02.224 Furuncle of groin
L02.225 Furuncle of perineum
L02.226 Furuncle of umbilicus
L02.229 Furuncle of trunk, unspecified
L02.23 Carbuncle of trunk
L02.231 Carbuncle of abdominal wall
L02.232 Carbuncle of back [any part, except buttock]
L02.233 Carbuncle of chest wall
L02.234 Carbuncle of groin
L02.235 Carbuncle of perineum
L02.236 Carbuncle of umbilicus
L02.239 Carbuncle of trunk, unspecified
L02.3 Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of buttock
Excludes1: pilonidal cyst with abscess (L05.01)
L02.31 Cutaneous abscess of buttock
Cutaneous abscess of gluteal region
L02.32 Furuncle of buttock
Boil of buttock
Folliculitis of buttock
Furuncle of gluteal region
L02.33 Carbuncle of buttock
Carbuncle of gluteal region
L02.4 Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb
Excludes2: Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of groin (L02.214, L02.224, L02.234)
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of hand (L02.5-)
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of foot (L02.6-)
L02.41 Cutaneous abscess of limb
L02.411 Cutaneous abscess of right axilla
L02.412 Cutaneous abscess of left axilla
L02.413 Cutaneous abscess of right upper limb
L02.414 Cutaneous abscess of left upper limb
L02.415 Cutaneous abscess of right lower limb
L02.416 Cutaneous abscess of left lower limb
L02.419 Cutaneous abscess of limb, unspecified
L02.42 Furuncle of limb