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Tuberculous adenitis
Excludes2: tuberculosis of bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes (A15.4)
tuberculosis of mesenteric and retroperitoneal lymph nodes (A18.39)
tuberculous tracheobronchial adenopathy (A15.4)
A18.3 Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands
A18.31 Tuberculous peritonitis
Tuberculous ascites
A18.32 Tuberculous enteritis
Tuberculosis of anus and rectum
Tuberculosis of intestine (large) (small)
A18.39 Retroperitoneal tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands
Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal (lymph glands)
A18.4 Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Erythema induratum, tuberculous
Lupus excedens
Lupus vulgaris NOS
Lupus vulgaris of eyelid
Tuberculosis of external ear
Excludes2: lupus erythematosus (L93.-)
lupus NOS (M32.9)
systemic (M32.-)
A18.5 Tuberculosis of eye
Excludes2: lupus vulgaris of eyelid (A18.4)
A18.50 Tuberculosis of eye, unspecified
A18.51 Tuberculous episcleritis
A18.52 Tuberculous keratitis
Tuberculous interstitial keratitis
Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis (interstitial) (phlyctenular)
A18.53 Tuberculous chorioretinitis
A18.54 Tuberculous iridocyclitis
A18.59 Other tuberculosis of eye
Tuberculous conjunctivitis
A18.6 Tuberculosis of (inner) (middle) ear
Tuberculous otitis media
Excludes2: tuberculosis of external ear (A18.4)
tuberculous mastoiditis (A18.03)
A18.7 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
Tuberculous Addison's disease
A18.8 Tuberculosis of other specified organs
A18.81 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland
A18.82 Tuberculosis of other endocrine glands
Tuberculosis of pituitary gland
Tuberculosis of thymus gland