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cryoglobulinemia (D89.1)
glycogen storage disease (E74.0)
leukemia (C91-C95)
lymphoma (C81.0-C85.9, C96.0-C96.9)
multiple myeloma (C90.0-)
sepsis (A40.0-A41.9)
Wilson's disease (E83.0)
Excludes1: pyelonephritis and tubulo-interstitial nephritis (in):
candidiasis (B37.49)
cystinosis (E72.0)
diphtheritic (A36.84)
salmonella infection (A02.25)
sarcoidosis (D86.84)
sicca syndrome [Sjogren's] (M35.04)
syphilitic (A52.75)
systemic lupus erythematosus (M32.15)
toxoplasmosis (B58.83)
renal tubular degeneration in diabetes (E08-E13 with .22)

Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease (N17-N19)

Excludes2: congenital renal failure (P96.0)
drug- and heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tubular conditions (N14.-)
extrarenal uremia (R39.2)
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (D59.3)
hepatorenal syndrome (K76.7)
postpartum hepatorenal syndrome (O90.4)
posttraumatic renal failure (T79.5)
prerenal uremia (R39.2)
renal failure:
complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.4)
following labor and delivery (O90.4)
postprocedural (N99.0)

N17 Acute kidney failure

Code also associated underlying condition
Excludes1: posttraumatic renal failure (T79.5)
N17.0 Acute kidney failure with tubular necrosis
Acute tubular necrosis
Renal tubular necrosis
Tubular necrosis NOS
N17.1 Acute kidney failure with acute cortical necrosis
Acute cortical necrosis