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��VOL. I

��navaricta'rrrai'niGwota navarici'kmatka't' which is white thy petate beneath which is cloudy overspread

��napucva"irtaG which drizzles

��napucbr'gikam piho' which . where

��napui.vtr'sandim ganavarhi'ko-m piho' that arises that which is cloud where

natpuboiw6p-go natpub6'ini6' ganavarci'- that did hither lighten that did hither speak

they which*

vgok o'hi to'tvacwo't'a amuho'dor are seven beautiful skies beneath. There*


��napuboiva'VtaG that hither drizzles.


that hither comes speaking

amuhodor napuvackaftim ho'ga

There from that already comes listening she

navarmaraD natpub6'ih6-t' ga.o - 'gao who is his daughter that he did hither send he,- her father

hidi navarict&doG mai'niGda'm

this that is green petate on

napuica'picda'tparrra'c natpui'nimoho'-

that it well clean appears. That she did here-

vadiivia- hidi nofkargio-am bochok'u't already arrive this his patio on all with

hacnapuci'diidu ci'korhuwan puva.'o'imft thus that hoards vicinity there already walked

piho 'dor

where from


��natpubo'ixo't that he did hither send

��ga6-gat that her>

��kuna'tpuno'vadu'via' hidi noikargiD'am Then she did here already arrive this his patio on

��sa'kimoG having wept

to'tvakwofa skies beneath



��ganavarci'vgok they which are seven

ba - 'bariB north

��ci"arw6t - a east beneath


that he did hither send

��gao-'gad he her father

��o - 'hi


hu'rniB west

pixodor where from

para in order

��1 This form is impossible; the future suffix is proba- bly superfluous.

��na v - "Riat hidi noi'kargiD'am that she here should appear this his patio on.

kuna'titpua'bo'i para nat-ivo-'micda So we did already take up in order that we will lift

natpuva.a'r'gi(dida) 1 ha'cnacidudu

that he did already (will) ' create thus that hoards

ci'k'orhiiwan napurnoi'kargiD'am

vicinity in that is his patio on

puva'tfi ganavarictodok ba't'ogiD'am already placed that which is green his tap<*xle on

pix6 napua-'r'gidic natitpuva'ga'i

where that creates that we did already roast

natitpuva'hir kuvictutha'gicda ganavar6 - - that we did already eat. Then us will pardon he

gat ganavardo.ut wfi-c isa'-

who is her father she who is her mother all


sakumgidSko't piho' natpuma'cir

tears with where that she did appear.

natpuva'nirk' a'sta That she did already guard will raise.*


��that not*

��ku'nkihapi nicpunrafuD konkidio's

With which thus I thee give to know. With*

which God

pi'cumbi'ak'a for thee will feel.


Hail! thou who art my Lord, my Morning Star and my Guide. Hither did we come to roast in this thy court, all of us who here are seated in thy court. There thou didst seat thyself and didst cry unto Him who is thy Lord and thy Lady who was created beneath the east. There is hung thy jicam with all thy arrows and thy chimales beneath thy white carpet o'erspread with drizzly clouds. There ariseth the cloud whence came the lightnings and the voice beneath the seven beautiful heavens. Thence it cometh speak- ing and drizzling.

2 Probably a direct translation of the Spanish idiom hasta que no in the sense of UNTIL.

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