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NO. 2



��will spring up the maiden who is thy child. Likewise do we beg forgiveness of thee, my Father and Mother, my Guide and Morning Star, who dwellest beneath the east whence thou didst send thy child hither. Here did she arrive in this world weeping, to succor us that we might have food and might go beholding where now we grope in darkness, journeying through the world. We say unto thee that we will sow here, if perchance we may guard well thy daughter. Do not look askance; thou must reach me thy hand that I may be held in it and go beholding through all hours. Thus do I say unto thee who art my Lord, my Guide and Morning Star. So be it.

May God bless you.


adiu's a'raG' uv na'pumto'tok

To God, creature female that thou art*


a v nih6 napuo'idak hacnaci'diidu

Hereabouts that thou belongest thus that*


ci'korho'wan navarci'arwo't'a

vicinity there. That is east beneath

amohodor natpubo'imhot ganavarum.o'k' there from that did hither thee send he that*

is thy Father

navarumna'na. 1 kuha'pu.6p - ati'ctan that is thy Mother. 1 Then thus also we beg

ha'gicdara babarip'kaM pixo'

pardon North One where

napua-'rgidic kupi'pugamihi'mia pixo' that thou art formed. Then thou wilt go where

nanumbo'k'ta kupi 1 puga'minkahida

that I thee shall carry. Then thou me wilt go hearing

hoga navarumu"umi.h6ko'D na'pu.-

that which are thy ceremonial arrows with that*

a-'rgidic hapu.pic&'p navarxu'rnipkam thou art formed. Thus also that is West One,

1 nana, MAMA, childish word for mother.

��hu'huktio't Pine-Man

��na'pumto'tok that is called.

��kuha'pu.- Then thus*

��p'i'cS'p' ti'ctan ha'gicdara

also we beg pardon

ganavaro'gaD navardo"uD kutia'mi-

he that is her Father that is her Mother. Then*

pixo'panrn'da kuti'noixra pono'gitn6v we not anywhere will maltreat. Then we will watch* her like our hand.

��kuha'pu.pi'c6'p' Then thus also

hoganavaricta' that which is white

napumt&tok that is called

��ati'ctan we beg

tO'Vorip star

o-'gipa south

��ha'gicdara pardon

cidu'kam fetish

��ganavarma'rat she that is his child.

��amohft there

ku- Then*

��ganavanr'gat he who is her Father

��natpuma'cir that did appear

ti'cputa-n ha'gicdara we beg pardon

havaganavardo'.UD kuti'pugama'hi aniho' and she who is her Mother. Then did already go here- abouts

ci'korho'wan avi'puva'nidk'im ku-

vicinity there she already speaking. Then*

ha'pu.puicfi'p' ti'pumoVadu'via aniho' thus also did hence already arrive hereabouts

Oim6rim6k ci'korho'van sa'kimoo

having walked vicinity there having wept

pumo'vadu'via navaro - 'gatvwi puva'- hence already arrive who is her Father with already*

'a'G kumi'pupa'ro'n ganamarmamraD tell that they maltreat they who*

are his children.

kugSku aticpugomhowan 2 kuti'puin6r Then therefore she did away.* Then did return

navaro' 'gat.wi a'bimohSwan pix&'

that is her Father with afar there where

navarci'vgok 6'hi

that are seven beautiful

��na'tpuku'gao that she did finish

��to'tvakdam pixo' skies on where

her Father.

��napuda' ga.o - 'gat that is seated he*

��* Verbal in form but with locative in place of verbal stem.

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