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  1. While China is adept at exploiting legitimate routes to advance technologically, it also utilises the full range of its espionage capabilities. The NCSC told the Committee:

    to fulfil any national strategic outcome … [the Chinese Communist Party] will use the [intelligence] capabilities they've got-be it cyber espionage [or] human espionage—and they really don't seek a distinction... of using those capabilities for purely national security reasons. They see the whole spectrum of strategic national outcomes as being fair game for those capabilities.[1]

  2. China uses its covert capabilities to target other countries' technology, IP and data in order to—as previously noted—"bypass costly and time-consuming research, development and training".[2] This gives it a significant commercial advantage and, over time, strategic advantage.
  3. This looks set to continue—and to increase: ***.[3] ***.[4]
Human intelligence
  1. The ChIS have *** human intelligence (HUMINT) capabilities. They seek to identify individuals who have access to sensitive information which is of particular value to them—"*** providing easier access to otherwise restricted UK military or commercially sensitive information".[5] For example, China uses opportunities provided by ***, or by social media to recruit individuals. MI5 told us that:

    the use of LinkedIn, the social/professional networking site, for example, is very widespread … well over *** UK-based individuals [have been] the subject of a very light initial approach ***, where someone is presenting [themselves] as maybe a consultant who is interested in an article this person may have written or wishes to invite them to a conference and … seeing whether they can suck this person into some … form of communication away from the LinkedIn site, perhaps email—and then maybe, if this develops, there is an invitation to a conference or a seminar, or somebody gets paid a small sum for writing an article …[6]

  2. ***.[7] ***.[8]

  1. Oral evidence—NCSC, *** December 2020.
  2. Written evidence—HMG, 18 April 2019.
  3. Written evidence—***, March 2020.
  4. Written evidence—***, June 2019.
  5. Written evidence—***, June 2019.
  6. Oral evidence—MI5, *** October 2020.
  7. Oral evidence—MI5, *** October 2020.
  8. Oral evidence—MI5, *** October 2020.