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  1. Whilst these investments allow us to grow and maintain critical mission capabilities, further growth in SR21 is required to enable us to respond to the sheer scale of the China threat.[1]

AA. The level of resource dedicated to tackling the threat posed by China's 'whole-of-state' approach has been completely inadequate. While a shortage of resources had been identified as early as 2012, effort was diverted onto the acute counter-terrorism threat arising from Syria. The increase in funding on the China mission in 2020 was therefore both necessary and welcome. But it was only for one year. HMG cannot think or plan strategically with such short-term planning.

BB. HMG must explore the possibility of a multi-year Spending Review for the Agencies, in order to allow them to develop long-term, strategic programmes on China and respond to the enduring threat. The UK is severely handicapped by the short-termist approach currently being taken.

  1. Written evidence—HMG, 21 May 2021.