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Mr. J.D.D. La Touche on the

are said to be a wide and complete white collar and dark flanks, to which Pere David adds a white spot, often present, below the ear. The examination of, I may say, hundreds of these pheasants, during seven. winters at Chinwangtao, has convinced me that, whereas the more or less broad white collar is a constant feature, the depth of colouring of the flanks, as also the development of the eyebrow, the green of the lower back and rump, and the ear-spot are variable features. The last-mentioned character may be put aside as of no distinctive value ; some birds have it, others not. A few birds obtained in the market have the white on the neck so extended that the base of all the green feathers from the ring to the ear is white. The width of the ring is also extremely variable and the hinder part of it is often very narrow, the feathers being edged with black or green. Some birds procured in the market have the flanks and the base of the hind neck of a very rich and dark orange colour, and these have also generally the ridge of the back and rump of a deep olive colour with a bright emerald sheen. Very occasionally one comes across a specimen which is no darker than Lower Yangtse birds. Again, the edging of the copper- red breast-feathers is variable and cannot be taken into con- sideration ; some birds have this edging broad and complete, others have but a mere apical speck. On the other hand, the scapulars show very little variation, such as is not uncommon in Lower Yangtse birds.

Several examples, shot at twenty to twenty-five miles north of the port, may be specially mentioned. These have all dark flanks and the green on the back and rump is brilliant; but one bird (not purchased), which was evidently a bird of the year, had very little green on the back. The eyebrow is very white and broad in three examples, dull or of medium development in six others. The ear-spot is present in five and absent in four. The width of the white ring varies: in front from about 2 in. to 1 in. ; on the sides from 1¼ in. to 2 in. ; behind, from about half an inch to 0·20 in.

In comparing the north-east Chihli Pheasant with the Lower Yangtse Pheasant, there is only one constant feature