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loosely areolated, the perichætial leaves are squarrose, the operculum is longer-rostrate, an annulus is present, and the inflorescence is monoicous.

TAB. 108.—Hypnum deplanatum.

1, 2. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
3. Ramulus.
4, 5, 6, 7. Folia ejusdem.
8, 9. Folii areolatio basilaris et apicalis.
1 0. Perichætium cum pedicelli parte.
11. Folium ejusdem.
12. Capsula operculata cum calyptra.
13. 14. Capsulæ deopcrculatæ.
15. Capsula evacuata sicca.
16. Particula peristomii.
17. Sectio verticalis ejusdem.
18. 19. Opercula.
20. Calyptra.