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Hab. Tabic Mountain, North Carolina, Gray. Tallulah Falls, Georgia, Lesquereux. Quaker Bridge, New Jersey, James, Austin.

Sphagnum molle in general aspect resembles S. molluscum. The two differ however as follows:—the chlorophyllose cells of the ramuline leaves of both species are triangular in crosssection: in the first they are situated at the concave, and in the second at the convex surface of the leaf. Furthermore, there is a striking difference in their perichsetial leaves; those of S. molle being entirely destitute of fibrillæ, and, in their lower half, composed wholly of homomorphous cells.

TAB. 4.—Sphagnum molle.

1. Plantæ fern, et masc. naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta juvenilis e spora cnata.
3. Pars caulis cum foliis.
4. Sectio transversalis caulis.
5. Folium ramulinum.
6. Pars ramuli, cellulas majores corticales apice recurvo pertusos ostendens.
7. Sectio transversalis ramuli cum folii basi.
8. Areolatio folii ramulini.
9. 10. Sectio transversalis folii ramulini.
11. Capsula, pseudopodium, et folia perichsatialia.
12. Folium perichætii.
13. 14, 15. Areolatio apicalis media et basilaris ejusdem.
16. Hamulus erectus antheridiophorus.
17. Apex cjusdem.
18. Antheridium et folium perigoniale.
19. Antheridium cum pedicello paraphysibus ramosis obsito.
20. Paraphysea ramosæ.