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the same patch, and, owing to the interlacing of their rootlets, often appear to be permanently connected, but a careful examination shows the contrary. The same may be said of F. exiguus.

TAB. 24.—Fissidens Minutulus

1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2, 3, 4. Plantæ fertiles.
5, 7. Folia caulina.
6. Folium perichætiale.
8. Apex folii areolata.
9. Pars duplieaturæ marginis areolationem monstrans.
10, 11. Capsulæ operculatæ, quorum duæ calyptris instructæ sunt.
12. Peristomii duo dentes.
13. Operculum et calyptra.
14. Calyptra.
15. Planta mascula.
16. Folia perigonialia rum antheridiis.