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O. exiguum is remarkable for the very broad cilia of its peristome, their breadth exceeding that of the teeth.

On the leaves of both species, excrescences like those on the leaves of O. Lyellii are occasionally present.

TAB. 35.—Orthotrichum exiguum.

1. Plantæ femineæ et masculse naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta capsulifera.
3. Planta mascula.
4. 5, 6, 7. Folia.
8. Apex folii areolata.
1 Areolatio folii baseos.
10. Sectiones transversales folii.
11. Capsula cum foliis perichætialibus.
12. Capsula deoperculata, exsiccata.
13. Calyptra.
14. Operculum.
15. Pars peristomii.
1G. Vaginula.
17. Gemma mascula cum antheridio.
18. Folium perigoniale cum antheridiis.